Ring in the new

This year has taught me a profound life lesson — ‘the consistency of change’. It might sound paradoxical, but change is remarkably refreshing.

Dec 28, 2023

Change can be compared to standing at the edge of a pool, shivering with anticipation of the ice-cold water. The dilemma is clear: either grit your teeth and take the plunge, experiencing temporary discomfort that swiftly vanishes, or remain on the edge, contemplating the ongoing discomfort of uncertainty.

Image by <a href=”https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/woman-walking-by-pool-during-vacation_25191808.htm#query=stepping%20into%20a%20pool&position=18&from_view=search&track=ais&uuid=388ab834-281d-42e7-8582-50378b2b6cb6">Freepik</a>

The choice seems difficult at the time, as it always is while leaving your comfort zone and moving out into the unknown.

How many times have I stood there, debating the outcomes? Wouldn’t it be better to jump in and discover?

As the year concludes, I find myself pondering change — Is our life enhanced by it or hindered?


